A SWOT Analysis provides a structured approach to evaluating a company's current position and helps identify areas for improvement and potential avenues for growth. Use the question below to create an analysis of your own company to compare against your competitors.


Strengths represent the internal factors that give a company a competitive advantage over others.


Weaknesses refer to internal factors that put a company at a disadvantage compared to its competitors.


Opportunities represent external factors or market conditions that can be leveraged to the company's advantage.


Threats refer to external factors that may hinder a company's growth or profitability

🚀 Strengths

  1. What are our core competencies and unique strengths that differentiate us from competitors?
  2. What advantages do we have in terms of technology, intellectual property, or proprietary processes?
  3. How strong is our brand reputation and customer loyalty compared to competitors?
  4. What internal resources, such as talented employees or efficient supply chains, contribute to our competitive advantage?
  5. Are there any cost advantages or economies of scale that give us an edge over competitors?

⚠️ Weaknesses

  1. What are the areas where we lag behind our competitors or face disadvantages?
  2. Are there any gaps in our product or service offerings compared to market demand?
  3. Do we have any weaknesses in terms of our brand image, customer service, or quality control?
  4. Are there any operational inefficiencies or bottlenecks that hinder our performance?
  5. Are we adequately leveraging technology or digital platforms, or do we have shortcomings in this area?

✨ Opportunities

  1. Are there emerging market trends, customer needs, or untapped segments that present growth opportunities?
  2. Are there any new technological advancements or innovations that we can leverage?
  3. Have there been changes in regulations or policies that create new market openings?
  4. Are there any potential strategic partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions that can expand our market presence?
  5. Can we capitalize on shifts in consumer preferences or lifestyle changes to gain a competitive edge?

🚨 Threats

  1. What are the key challenges or obstacles we face in the market?
  2. Are there any disruptive technologies or business models that pose a threat to our industry?
  3. Are there new or existing competitors that pose a significant threat to our market share?
  4. Are there any macroeconomic factors, such as inflation or political instability, that could impact our business?
  5. Are there any legal or regulatory changes that could negatively affect our operations?